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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The Life and Times of a Jedi Master

So, I haven't been on here in a long time.
News, news, new. I got fired from Hardees the day before my 20th birthday. Started Pizza Hut not even a week later. Quit there September 1st and I'm not on the hunt for a new job.
Jovi Shea Tye was born on May 17th 2010. She's beautiful, of course! Always smiling and laughing. She snores really loud too.
Broke up with Brandon after being with him for over a year because I found out that the asshole was cheating on me. Fan-fucking-tastic, eh?
Oh well, moving on. The day after we broke up I had surgery on my toe, but it's fine now. Heck, 5 days after, I was running around in a Corn Maze in Jonesboro, TN. It's a cute little town. This past weekend, I visited Devan and Ronald and we went to the World Chicken Festival. I was disappointed in the worlds largest skillet. And the fact that I couldn't find any chicken on a stick. I had a nice pina Colada. Sadly it was alcohol free. :( But I was happy that I got to hang out with my bestest friend in the whole wide world! We hadn't hung out in foreverrrrrrrr! And Ronald's piano-playing abilities are amazing! He played Paparazzi for me and some church hymns. Their piano is so pretty too!
Their whole house apartment thing is really cute! I want one. Lol.
Well, that's all for now. Byyyye!