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Friday, December 12, 2008

Merry Christmassss

So, I'm rather excited about Christmas. Mostly because I can actually afford gifts for everyone without getting all of them at Goodwill. Hooray for good Christmas gifts!
I went to the Johnson City Mall for the first time yesterday...and threw up in the parking lot.
Damn you Hardees of Harlan! *shakes fist*
Anyhoo. All I bought was a Charlie the Unicorn shirt. It's really neat. I think I'll wear that tomorrow...when I go watch Twilight my god I sound like a fucking retarded hot topic twilight fangirl.
Someone shoot me.


Picture is unrelated.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

So, I haven't been here for 2 months

I forget about my blog. It's sad, really.
Updates, updates.
So, Oct. 13 Austin Reed Tye was born. (That's my nephew by the way.)
He's awesome to the max.
I got a job at Pizza Hut. I do basically everything. I don't fancy doing buffet due to me burning myself. Other then that, its alright.
Oh yeah. Today is Thanksgiving. Hooray. Except not because the mother figure is going all crazy and bitchy. Its the only reason I hate holidays.

I still have writers block and that's coupled with major tiredness and other things.
America got Rick Roll'd by Macy's. That was a rather epic event to wake up to.
We're getting a new puppy. The breed is Morkie. Maltese and Yorkie mix. My boss is giving her to us. I think we're naming her Dottie. Even though I like the name Keith gave her (Mindy).
A Morkie named Mindy. xD

I really have nothing to talk about so I just bombard you guys with things that happen in my life. You guys are probably bored to death right now.
My teeth hurt.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

I've been neglecting my blog for a bit.

Mostly because I can't think of any stories to write. *sadness*
Writer's block blows hard, you know. I was thinking about writing a story about a local family. It will, of course be fictional. The names may or may not be changed. Who knows?

Onto other news. Tracey is going to pop any day now. I predict this weekend. My diet has completely died as of today. I'll re-start after Austin is born. I'm getting to anxious and it's making me eat and stress out. Which, other things are making stress out big time as well.
Oct. 3rd I have a visit to the "lady parts" doctor. I've been reading up on things and I may or may not have an ovarian cyst. I'm hoping that I don't and that I just have a stubborn uterus. Ha.

I've also been on the lookout for a job. Which has been very unsuccessful. But I suppose I'll just have to keep my chin up and keep searching.
I've also been wanting to get out and start dating again. Huge step, I know. Again, I'll have to keep my chin up and hopefully not run into any super-douches that I usually attract.
I want to dye my hair. I'm getting tired of all this blond. I sort of want some pink or purple in there.
But I'll hold off on anything like that until I get a job. I'll also save up for a tattoo and maybe a piercing or some sort. The wilder side of me has been wanting to come out for some while now.
I need to put a better layout on this blog. I suppose I'll do that eventually.

Well, until next time folks. Farewell.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Why hello there

I'm quite new here. In fact, I just made this about 5 minutes ago. I'm really not quite sure what to do with this, I just made it on a whim. I suppose I'll find some use. Display odd photos I take, or my paintings maybe? Or perhaps I'll write stories. Hell, maybe I'll make a messed up comic strip. The possibilities are endless. All the while, the cogs in my brain will be working and all that greatness.

For now, I shall tell your about my boring life. Just about everyday I go to my brother and sister-in-laws and play their Wii and watch their cat and dog fight ferociously. I'm addicted Photoshop like a hooker on crack. At least I am getting better at it than I was before. Which reminds me
My deviantart Most of it is crap, but check it out anyways.