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Friday, January 30, 2009

I dyed my hair and other such news

So, I'm now a red head. It's nice.
I've come to learn that I'm the only competent hostess/salad bar person at work.
Or at least the only one that isn't lazy. Oh well. Better for me, I guess.
My nephew has gotten really big. He's 3 months old. I babysat him a few days ago. All was fine until my brother's neighbor called and woke him up. I calmed him down after that and he got the snubs. I didn't worry, but the hair pulling hurt. So I'm glad that when he started that David and Tracey were on their way home. Austin has a rather good grip. And my scalp is tender.
It was quite painful, but its okay because I love him.
What else? Oh yes. Super Bowl Sunday is only a couple days away. I suppose that might be fun. And full of chicken.
And Journey is doing the pre-game show. WIN! I better not miss that. Hopefully they'll have it on at work in case I have to work way over.
I actually do like Pepsi. I think I just have a prejudice against it for some reason. But I'm drinking it right now because its all we have. It's pretty good.
Oh yes, the world is going to be taken over by zombies.
Proof: http://www.cracked.com/article_15643_5-scientific-reasons-zombie-apocalypse-could-actually-happen.html

It's comical, at least.

Oh yes. I've been going to doctors over my headaches and hopefully in 2 weeks I'll be able to get my prescription. IT has to be authorized before insurance covers it. And without insurance, they're $170. Like hell if I have that kind of money. Anyhoo, the doctor that prescribed them and that has to authorize them is out of the country for 2 weeks.
I really do wonder what its like to not have a headache.
Will my head feel completely empty?
A friend informs me that it will just feel like its there. No pain, just...there-ness?
Either way, its going to be way different. I really hope the pills work.
Which there's side effects that last for a week. Numbness of the hands and slight dizziness. I suppose I'll ask someone else to run buffet that Tuesday.
The good side effect is that they'll make me lose weight. Hooray! I'd lost like, 10-11 lbs on my own already, though. And that is freaking awesome.
Ugh. I have a bump on my face. Just one though. That's all I get when I'm on my period anymore. A lot better than my face looking like I've caught the plague.
Well, that's all for tonight kiddos. Until next time I remember this blog!