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Thursday, November 27, 2008

So, I haven't been here for 2 months

I forget about my blog. It's sad, really.
Updates, updates.
So, Oct. 13 Austin Reed Tye was born. (That's my nephew by the way.)
He's awesome to the max.
I got a job at Pizza Hut. I do basically everything. I don't fancy doing buffet due to me burning myself. Other then that, its alright.
Oh yeah. Today is Thanksgiving. Hooray. Except not because the mother figure is going all crazy and bitchy. Its the only reason I hate holidays.

I still have writers block and that's coupled with major tiredness and other things.
America got Rick Roll'd by Macy's. That was a rather epic event to wake up to.
We're getting a new puppy. The breed is Morkie. Maltese and Yorkie mix. My boss is giving her to us. I think we're naming her Dottie. Even though I like the name Keith gave her (Mindy).
A Morkie named Mindy. xD

I really have nothing to talk about so I just bombard you guys with things that happen in my life. You guys are probably bored to death right now.
My teeth hurt.