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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The Life and Times of a Jedi Master

So, I haven't been on here in a long time.
News, news, new. I got fired from Hardees the day before my 20th birthday. Started Pizza Hut not even a week later. Quit there September 1st and I'm not on the hunt for a new job.
Jovi Shea Tye was born on May 17th 2010. She's beautiful, of course! Always smiling and laughing. She snores really loud too.
Broke up with Brandon after being with him for over a year because I found out that the asshole was cheating on me. Fan-fucking-tastic, eh?
Oh well, moving on. The day after we broke up I had surgery on my toe, but it's fine now. Heck, 5 days after, I was running around in a Corn Maze in Jonesboro, TN. It's a cute little town. This past weekend, I visited Devan and Ronald and we went to the World Chicken Festival. I was disappointed in the worlds largest skillet. And the fact that I couldn't find any chicken on a stick. I had a nice pina Colada. Sadly it was alcohol free. :( But I was happy that I got to hang out with my bestest friend in the whole wide world! We hadn't hung out in foreverrrrrrrr! And Ronald's piano-playing abilities are amazing! He played Paparazzi for me and some church hymns. Their piano is so pretty too!
Their whole house apartment thing is really cute! I want one. Lol.
Well, that's all for now. Byyyye!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Updates and I want bacon

Where to begin...on July 2nd I started dating Brandon. He was sort of mentioned in my last blog as a guy that Jay knows. Anywho, I love him. More than anything. ♥
He's a total sweetheart too. And my parents actually like him despite all the tattoos. My mom even calls him her favorite son-in-law. Sorry Jay, you better step it up a notch. On the 15th we;re going on our last trip of the Summer to Dollywood. On the 17th he starts school again. He'll finally be finished with school in a year and a half to 2 years. Which really isn't that long if you think abou it. And I can't wait. I'm thinking he wants us to move to Lexington when he gets out of school. Not right after, but sometime after he graduates. :3 which Lexington would be good because I think nurses start out at $30 an hour at UK, but he mentioned that it's only if the take nursing at U.K. but i'll check into that. And of course that could change within 2 years.
Hardees is still the pit of Hell of course. But I guess I'm lucky to just have a job these days. Which reminds me, my brother got his job back. Hooray! And I have to get off work early tomorrow to babysit Austin. More hooray! Gah! he is getting so big! he'll be 10 months old this month! He's almost a whole year old now! And he can almost walk by himself. He says, "daddy," "dada," "nanny," "nana," and "kitty cat." And he can clap his hands and feed himself. Tracey is quite frustrated that he doesn't say mommy. But i think he calls her nanny, because she's who he looks at when he says nanny or nana. It's close enough, anyways.
What else? Oh yeah. Harry Potter. Me, Brandon, Britt, and Jay went to Johnson City, TN to see the midnight showing of that. It was bloody awesome. They left out a WHOLE lot, but I was pretty pleased with it. Better than the 4th and 5th anyways. Someone should slap David Yates.
I'm going to go fry me some bacon because I'm really, really, hungry.
Until next time folks!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Summer has began

And bloody hell is it hot.
Only 26 days until HBP! WOOT!

I went to AdventureCon Saturday. Holy crap was it fun! I MET DARTH VADER!
And The Soup Nazi and a bunch of other neato people. There were some awesome cosplayers there too. Like these two; one was Bellatrix and her friend was a Death Eater and they were fabulous. Oh, and I've lost 6 lbs! Yay SlimFast! I saw some people that I knew there too. And I met some guys that Jay knows. I need to update my count down thing, though. It still has the 17th as the release date. TO MUGGLNET! well okay. Nevermind. They don't have an updated counter.
Oh well.
I wish there would be a midnight showing of it, but since this is a small town full of people who rather hate anything to do with books and magic, I doubt it.
Well, until next time.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Lots of stuff...

I quit the Hut in Feb. Started Hardees in March.
Yesterday, I went to Gatlinburg/Pigeon Forge, TN.
Went to Adventure Quest. A little strip mall with a neato record store.
Walked to Bubba Gumps, which was fabulous.
then went to a Smokies game where I caught a foul ball. Well, actually, it just fell into my lap while a bunch of others were clamouring to catch it. Kind of funny, actually. I got some autographs on it.
I had a really fun day.
Oh, I also bought a Saved By The Bell shirt at Red Rocket. AWESOME! I need to go there again even though most everything is terribly overpriced.
I ordered some Sugar Stars today. For 2 bags, it was only $2 something, but add shipping and I'm paying $10.89 for sugar stars. :S Oh well. It's worth it.
Good thing I already have some green tea to drink with them.

Also, OMFG! I can't wait for Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince movie to come out. Woo!
It looks like it's actually going to be one of the better movies of the series. Oh god. I'm going to cry though.
Even more so whenever DH comes out...Fred...T_T

Anywhore, I have a countdown for HBP to put here.


Friday, January 30, 2009

I dyed my hair and other such news

So, I'm now a red head. It's nice.
I've come to learn that I'm the only competent hostess/salad bar person at work.
Or at least the only one that isn't lazy. Oh well. Better for me, I guess.
My nephew has gotten really big. He's 3 months old. I babysat him a few days ago. All was fine until my brother's neighbor called and woke him up. I calmed him down after that and he got the snubs. I didn't worry, but the hair pulling hurt. So I'm glad that when he started that David and Tracey were on their way home. Austin has a rather good grip. And my scalp is tender.
It was quite painful, but its okay because I love him.
What else? Oh yes. Super Bowl Sunday is only a couple days away. I suppose that might be fun. And full of chicken.
And Journey is doing the pre-game show. WIN! I better not miss that. Hopefully they'll have it on at work in case I have to work way over.
I actually do like Pepsi. I think I just have a prejudice against it for some reason. But I'm drinking it right now because its all we have. It's pretty good.
Oh yes, the world is going to be taken over by zombies.
Proof: http://www.cracked.com/article_15643_5-scientific-reasons-zombie-apocalypse-could-actually-happen.html

It's comical, at least.

Oh yes. I've been going to doctors over my headaches and hopefully in 2 weeks I'll be able to get my prescription. IT has to be authorized before insurance covers it. And without insurance, they're $170. Like hell if I have that kind of money. Anyhoo, the doctor that prescribed them and that has to authorize them is out of the country for 2 weeks.
I really do wonder what its like to not have a headache.
Will my head feel completely empty?
A friend informs me that it will just feel like its there. No pain, just...there-ness?
Either way, its going to be way different. I really hope the pills work.
Which there's side effects that last for a week. Numbness of the hands and slight dizziness. I suppose I'll ask someone else to run buffet that Tuesday.
The good side effect is that they'll make me lose weight. Hooray! I'd lost like, 10-11 lbs on my own already, though. And that is freaking awesome.
Ugh. I have a bump on my face. Just one though. That's all I get when I'm on my period anymore. A lot better than my face looking like I've caught the plague.
Well, that's all for tonight kiddos. Until next time I remember this blog!

Friday, December 12, 2008

Merry Christmassss

So, I'm rather excited about Christmas. Mostly because I can actually afford gifts for everyone without getting all of them at Goodwill. Hooray for good Christmas gifts!
I went to the Johnson City Mall for the first time yesterday...and threw up in the parking lot.
Damn you Hardees of Harlan! *shakes fist*
Anyhoo. All I bought was a Charlie the Unicorn shirt. It's really neat. I think I'll wear that tomorrow...when I go watch Twilight my god I sound like a fucking retarded hot topic twilight fangirl.
Someone shoot me.


Picture is unrelated.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

So, I haven't been here for 2 months

I forget about my blog. It's sad, really.
Updates, updates.
So, Oct. 13 Austin Reed Tye was born. (That's my nephew by the way.)
He's awesome to the max.
I got a job at Pizza Hut. I do basically everything. I don't fancy doing buffet due to me burning myself. Other then that, its alright.
Oh yeah. Today is Thanksgiving. Hooray. Except not because the mother figure is going all crazy and bitchy. Its the only reason I hate holidays.

I still have writers block and that's coupled with major tiredness and other things.
America got Rick Roll'd by Macy's. That was a rather epic event to wake up to.
We're getting a new puppy. The breed is Morkie. Maltese and Yorkie mix. My boss is giving her to us. I think we're naming her Dottie. Even though I like the name Keith gave her (Mindy).
A Morkie named Mindy. xD

I really have nothing to talk about so I just bombard you guys with things that happen in my life. You guys are probably bored to death right now.
My teeth hurt.